Self-Publishing: Getting My Feet Wet

Yesterday, in the wee hours of the morning, my latest book “Off to War” went up for sale on Amazon. It was exciting, of course, because every time you are publishing is thrilling. But even more so because this is my first venture in self-publishing. As a...

ACFW2016: My Perspective

This past week/weekend was the annual ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) Conference. It’s the conference I look forward to each year. And for good reason. The teaching is phenomenal. The speakers are great. And the networking and fellowship is the reason...

Scrivener, How I Love Thee, Let Me Count the Ways

Since becoming an author, who worked with a word processor called LibreOffice (very similar to Microsoft Office), I have been converted. I was introduced to the program known as “Scrivener”. Now, at first I was a skeptic. Not of the program, but of my...

Essential Oils: From Skeptic to Believer

  I have shared that I was skeptical of essential oils and this whole oil revolution that seems to be sweeping homes across America. I’ve always had my feet firmly planted in Western medicine and been rather unsure about the holistic approach. Not doubting...

The Line Between Involved and Over-Involved

  I’m one of those people who likes to be busy. I thrive on the craziness. But that was before I took on the responsibilities of being a mom and wife. That adds quite a bit to anyone’s plate. So, I’m realizing I can’t add as much more to...