
So…where does inspiration for a novel come from? As some of you probably know, it can come from anywhere. For my novels, it has come from a variety of places. Novel #1 “The General’s Wife” (the Egypt one) – inspired by my interest in the...

What’s this about other novels?

Well, I just got done putting my signature on the contract and e-mailing it back to the publisher! I’ve blogged a bit about this journey, but I wonder how many of you are aware of who I really am. So I thought I would introduce myself. Hi! I’m Sara. And,...

The “Bite”

So, one day a couple of weeks after we queried, I’m going about my happy way when I get an e-mail: “Hi Sara! I love your writing but….” Uh oh…here it comes…but no. The publisher simply asked that I make a couple of adjustments and resubmit! I...

“Closet” Writer

After spending so much time myself with the manuscript, first writing the rough draft, then going over and over it, I knew I had to get some outside help. But what was I to do? I call myself a “closet writer”. Not that I write in the closet, mind you, but that I keep...

The Journey

Wow! What a journey! Today as I type this, I have a contract for publication in hand. It has been quite a long road from idea to paper to contract. And I fear the road will continue to stretch before me until publication. But I know the Lord has brought me thus far...