Reviews: To Read or Not To Read

I am an author. My books have some reviews (albeit not as many as I’d like). And, while many, many people have really enjoyed my work, there are those that do not. And they will let the whole world know about it through their reviews. I have read some of these...

The Write Stuff: The Benefits of a Critique Group

I mention my critique group with some frequency. But I cannot say enough good things about them. Or about the benefits of a critique group. No matter what stage of writing – whether a newbie or a seasoned professional. My critique group is made up of all stages...

The Transition from Writer to Speaker

Even now I am in the midst of this transition. Perhaps, admittedly, early yet in this process. But, it is my desire that this blog be a place where I share this journey. And this is one of the next steps for me, so here it is. The Challenges: By and large, writers...

Closet Writer: Why you should come out

I was a self-proclaimed closet writer. Does that mean I wrote in the closet? Not exactly. It means I was very secretive about my writing. No one read what I wrote…I couldn’t face the chance they would hate it. The work was too close to my heart, I...