Christmas on a Mission - My Review This is the highly anticipated Christmas novella by contemporary women's fiction writer Hannah R. Conway. And it certainly aims high. Conway writes women's fiction "with a military flair". A military wife herself, she is truly able...
Sara’s Blog
INTERVIEW & GIVEAWAY: Author Rachel V. Bull
Hey, Readers! I haven't had a fresh author for you to meet in a few weeks, but I have a very special author for you today - author Rachel V. Bull. She just also happens to be my very talented sister. Yes, she has been bitten by the writing bug and has put out her...
SPOTLIGHT & GIVEAWAY: A Convenient Risk Series
A Convenient Risk was inspired by...believe it or unplanned trip to a cemetery. I have a writer friend that is my conference buddy. We go to writers' conference together. Well, we were on such a conference trip when I discovered that she likes to visit...
OVERCOMING MYSELF: The over-planner in me
Ever feel like you've got too many plates spinning? Then you think...I just need to get organized! And, down the road, you get a little more organized, and a little more... No? Just me? Anyone ever feel like your organization is causing you to be overwhelmed? It was...
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Sara R. Turnquist