Hey, all! Back into my long lost passion - research. Actually, it's not so much a passion as a necessary evil. I do love history and love learning new things, don't get me wrong. I wouldn't be writing Historical Fiction/Romance if I didn't. But there comes a point...
Sara’s Blog
BOOK REVIEW: Kadee Carder’s “Insurrection”
Hello, all! I have had this author on my blog talking about this series at least once. It piqued my interest. Though I am solidly in the Historical Fiction/Romance genre now, my earliest reading love was mysteries and science fiction. So, this novel was not a...
My Inner Editor vs. My Ability to Review
I have recently decided to do more book reviewing. Now, I have reviewed books before. Even on this blog site. And I reviewed books for class assignments in school. But as I grow as a writer and as a self-editor, I have learned that it can affect my ability to...
“The Lady and The Hussites” COVER REVEAL!!!
It is that time. Later this year, The Lady Bornekova will receive it's long overdue sequel, The Lady and The Hussites. I have thrown myself into this book, laboring over these precious characters, their continuing stories, and the research that creates the backdrop....
Anyone want a FREE Novella?
That's right, Readers! The novella I have put together for my newsletter is finished and ready for delivery to your e-mail boxes! This little read is up for grabs today. My monthly newsletter has gone out to those who are currently signed up, bearing this precious...
FEATURED GUEST: Author Kadee Carder and Her New Release!!!
Hey, all! Today I have a returning guest--author Kadee Carder. She has a new release. Just premiered May 9th actually. It is in the same series as the book she spotlighted several weeks ago when she was on my blog. Now, you all know I love my Historical...
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Sara R. Turnquist