Hello, all! I hope this post finds you well and enjoying summer. Read anything good lately? I am in editing and marketing mode myself. Even working through my vacation. But I have a writing/relaxing weekend coming up later in July and I canNOT wait! So, like many of...
Sara’s Blog
Writers Conference: A View From the Front
I have just returned from the Kentucky Christian Writers Conference in Elizabethtown, KY. It was a blast! But it was also a tiring venture. Aren't all conferences? You leave with a ton of business cards from your networking efforts, more friends, greater knowledge and...
The Blog Tour has begun!
Here are the stops for "A Convenient Risk" Blog Tour. *Note: The post for the tour will not be live until the date posted. June 19: The Reading Addict June 19: Romance Novel Giveaways June 19: Reader's Handbook June 20: Christine Young June 21: Buried Under Romance...
“A Convenient Risk” Blog Tour
It is time. The blog tour for "A Convenient Risk" is upon us! And I couldn't be more excited! What is a blog tour? For those of you who have never heard of a blog tour, let me explain. Remember when authors used to do book tours around the U.S.? (Some big name authors...
QUERIES: The Good, The Bad, The Necessary
In the life of a writer, we all must come to that point when we decide the world should have access to our art. We have babied it and honed it as much as we possibly can. It is at that point. We are as confident as we can be. The dreamer in us has overcome our...
BOOK REVIEW: Melody Delgado’s “Royally Entitled”
Perhaps your summer reading list is as long as mine. Maybe not. But I will be content to keep working my way through this mountain of books and share with you the ones I thought were worth my while. This next one I have for you was a great story with a lead character...
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Sara R. Turnquist