Sara’s Blog

INTERVIEW & GIVEAWAY: Author Shaen Layle

Welcome, readers! It's been a little bit since I posted. I've been quite busy, rather sick, and then traveling this summer. But I am back today with another author for you to meet--Author Shaen Layle! Shaen is a suspense author and is here today to share about a...

GUEST POST & GIVEAWAY: Author Kadee Carder

I am participating in a compilation devotional project. Each author has chosen a fantasy author or popular book series and will write devotionals based on those. I chose “The Maze Runner” series. Below is one of the devotionals included in my selection: Everybody...

INTERVIEW & GIVEAWAY: Author Dana Mentink

I have a fabulous, award-winning author for you to meet today. And is she ever prolific! Author Dana Mentink has joined me today on my blog to share about her release and is offering a giveaway as well as talking about her process! Let's jump right in... Welcome to...

INTERVIEW & GIVEAWAY: Author Sara Jane Jacobs

Welcome back, readers! And I am welcoming back another author for you today as well! Author Sara Jane Jacobs is sharing with us about her upcoming release, Season of Faith. And she has some wonderful extras for us as well! Including a peek at the cover! So,...

INTERVIEW & GIVEAWAY: Author Brett Armstrong

Hello, readers...coming to you a bit later in the day. I have a returning author for you to "meet" again. Author Brett Armstrong is here, sharing about his newest release. And a special treat, he has some hand-drawn images of this world he has built narratively AND a...

INTERVIEW & SPOTLIGHT: Author Amy R. Anguish

Welcome, all, to another edition of the blog and another fabulous author for you to meet--author Amy R. Anguish. Amy writes clean contemporary romance. I met her through the ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) Romance Genre Facebook page, which I continue to...

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