Hello, readers! I have a treat for you today. Instead of me blogging, I have an author for you to revisit. Author Emerald Barnes is back on my blog today with a fabulous guest post for us. And we will spotlight her book series, The Knight's Academy. I can't wait for...
Sara’s Blog
Welcome to my blog! I have a fabulous author for you to meet! Jenn Faulk is not only an author of clean chick lit, she is quite prolific! I know Jenn through a group we are a part of called Pure Romance Reads. It is a collection of authors who all write clean romance....
GUEST POST & GIVEAWAY: Author Kadee Carder
Welcome, everyone. We have a returning author, Kadee Carder. She is one of my favorite authors to have on. She is just one of the most encouraging people in general, and as a fellow author, she is always there with a word to lift up others and spur them on in their...
OVERCOMING PROCRASTINATION: The art of keeping up with yesterday
Procrastination...is there anything more frustrating? Or more thrilling? That last minute adrenaline...the rush of that fast approaching deadline...the burst of creativity...and the promises to never do it again, but deep down knowing that you will. Why do we...
Abraham Lincoln Procrastination Quote
GIVEAWAY & INTERVIEW: Author Krista Wagner
Welcome, readers! I have an author for you to meet today - Krista Wagner. I met Krista through our publisher, Clean Reads. And I am so excited for you to read more about her very intriguing book. And to see this fabulous cover! So, I won't spend a lot of time gabbing...
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Sara R. Turnquist