Postpartum Depression Talk Signup Page

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Everyday women make the transition into motherhood every day. And most will experience some form of the “baby blues.” But for some, it will be more than that. It will be deeper. And many of those who dip into this depression, or even postpartum psychosis, will suffer in silence.

What if they, and their support person, knew what to look for beforehand? What is the difference? When does it become more than the “baby blues”? When should one seek help? What steps should one take?

As someone who has survived postpartum depression and postpartum psychosis, I would like to share some insight and bring greater awareness to this issue, while de-stigmatizing something that so many feel, to their own shame, that they face alone.

“I have heard Sara speak on many different occasions and I am blown away each time. God always speaks through her. I love her heart and how she speaks from her experiences. She is so authentic in her struggles with postpartum depression, ‘momming,’ and life as a believer in general.” – Attendee, MOPs Group in Clarksville, TN


Join me for a Webinar on Saturday, February 13, 2021 at 10AM CST

NOTE: This will be a Webinar format, so only the presenter’s face will be seen. No one else will be visible (neither video nor names).

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