Editing Services
Quality, affordable editing
Sara has edited Romance, Sci-Fi, and more!
Get your first sample edit (five pages) free of charge!
Sample Edit
(Five Pages)- Sample Edit – Five pages, one-sided, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins all-around
Rush Order
SurchargeRush – Each round done in 48-72 hours (from agreed upon date)
Per JobNOT an additional charge. Minimum fee for anything over 10,000 words.
Content Edit
(Developmental)Content edit – includes story development, plot holes, and character arcs
Line Edit
(Copy Edit)Line edit – includes grammar, pacing, sentence structure, and simple formatting
Proofing Edit
(Final Read Through)Proofing – manuscript has already been through another edit job
Full Edits
(Content, Line, & Proof)Content edit – includes story development, plot holes, and character arcs
Line edit – includes grammar, pacing, and simple formatting
Proofing – final read through of manuscript after other edits
* All editing fees will be rounded up to an even 1000 words, e.g. 53,465 words = 54,000 words.
* All jobs subject to agreement by author and editor.
I had a full edit done by Sara and she did an amazing job! She was helpful in pointing out plot holes and helping me make the story flow better with her suggestions. I’ve worked with Sara for two projects now. She has a wonderful sense of story and an eye for detail. She’s also shone a spotlight on verbal tics I didn’t know I had, thus helping strengthen my writing. What’s more, she was able to accommodate my ridiculous time constraints. I highly recommend her. Sara edited my current book. Her developmental edit suggestions caught inconsistencies. Because of her knowledge of the historical romance, she pointed out words which were too modern. Also, she provided ideas on how to improve the depth of character development on a pivotal character. I was so pleased with the developmental edit that I hired her as my line editor. This edit pass was thorough. It caught the normal punctuation and typos and made paragraphing suggestions which improved the impact of important passages. Sara is sensitive and conscious in her editing. I definitely recommend her. Sara is wonderful to work with, and she did a thorough job on my manuscript. Her insight is spot-on. I highly recommend her services!I had a full edit
She was very detailed oriented when if came to the fine tuning of the manuscript. I have read this story many times before she got ahold of it and she was able to find the mistakes I missed. Her prices are very reasonable for authors on a budget like myself. I would highly recommend Sara to others.I’ve worked with Sara for
Sara edited my current book.
Sara is wonderful to work