by Sara Turnquist | Dec 28, 2016 | Off to War - Novel Scenes
I hope everyone survived Christmas and is doing well. Especially looking forward to 2017. I know I am. New possibilities and new routines. Perhaps a new normal. In some ways, I feel I’ve been in a rut. In others, I know I need to buckle down and nail down a...
by Sara Turnquist | Jul 29, 2016 | Off to War - Novel Scenes
“OFF TO WAR” Chapter 3 Scene 7 Abigail sat in front of her vanity, putting the finishing touches on her appearance: a pair of earrings Elizabeth had gifted her at last year’s birthday celebration. They were simple, beautiful pearl earrings....
by Sara Turnquist | Jul 22, 2016 | Off to War - Novel Scenes
“Off to War” Chapter Three ~ Battle Scene 6 The battle raged on. All Elizabeth could do was sit and listen to the cannons and gunfire in the distance, grimacing at every sound. There was no laundry to do, no sewing that was called for, nothing to be...
by Sara Turnquist | Jul 8, 2016 | Off to War - Novel Scenes
“Off to War” Chapter Three Scene 5 Jacob scrambled for cover as shots rang over his head. The battle had been raging for what seemed like forever. He was surrounded by cannons exploding and men screaming in pain. It was nothing like he had ever imagined....
by Sara Turnquist | Jun 24, 2016 | Off to War - Novel Scenes
“Off to War” Chapter Three Scene 3 Troop movement outside the thin fabric walls of the tent awakened Elizabeth. They would have risen before dawn in order to practice maneuvers. If she strained her ears, she could hear the artillery unit doing the same...
by Sara Turnquist | Jun 17, 2016 | Off to War - Novel Scenes
“Off to War” Chapter 3 – Battle Scene 1 It didn’t take long for the other women to find out that Elizabeth didn’t know much about cooking or laundering or more than basic stitching. They all found this rather curious, Melanie reported to...
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