I spent some time at a Women's Retreat this past weekend and was struck by the number of women I ran across who had struggled with, at some point, a depressive disorder. And I thought about our country. The number of depression-related suicides we've seen in the last...
Sara’s Blog
“Stars” by Skillet quote
INTERVIEW & GIVEAWAY: Authors Tim & Gail Sattler
Welcome, readers! I have Author Gail Sattler back on the blog today, sharing with us about another one of her books and talking about some more tidbits. Once again, meeting other authors through the ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) genre pages has been...
On January 3rd, I celebrated a birthday. And it was so hard. I broke down on January 2nd. See, my mom and I had this...well, kind of a little joke about it. I am a midnight baby. I believe my birth certificate states I was born at like 12:02 am or some such. But my...
OVERCOMING FATIGUE: One Woman’s Journey to Find Daylight Hours
I struggle with the basic problem that many of you might have: I over-plan and plan to overachieve in my days. My "TO DO" list is a mile long and the perfectionist in me strives to cross off every single thing. You can imagine that this, in and of itself, will lead to...
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Sara R. Turnquist