Sara’s Blog
INTERVIEW & GIVEAWAY: Author Wendy May Andrews
Hello, readers! Author Wendy May Andrews is back on my blog today with a new clean Historical Romance. And the cover is oh so good! I won't delay you any longer. Let's get right to Wendy! Hey, Wendy! Thanks for rejoining us on the blog. It's good to have you back. I'm...
Depression: An Honest Look
INTERVIEW & GIVEAWAY: Author Kathleen Neely
Hello, all! I have a fresh face to introduce you to today, Kathleen Neely. Kathleen is another author I have encountered through ACFW. This wonderful organization allows authors to network and glean from each other in the most amazing way. I wish I'd joined sooner :-)...
DEPRESSION: An Honest Look at Symptoms & Treatment
Hey, all! I apologize for the delay in this series. We've had sickness, and houseguests, and you name it! But my burden for increasing awareness and understanding of depression and mental illness weighs on my heart (in a good way). So today, let's dive into how to...
Depression: An Honest Look Series
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Sara R. Turnquist