I love these little off-topic posts. I am sorry if you are missing the writing posts...I promise you one on Friday...maybe a cover reveal! But today I wanted to talk about something serious and real. But something that traditional medicine is struggling to catch up...
Sara’s Blog
Sara’s Hiatus: Mini Blog Tour and Other Things
Hey, all! I have been out of touch for a bit. Sorry about that. It seems life has really taken me by storm these last few weeks. So, what exactly has been going on, you ask? Well, let me tell you... Mini Blog Tour for Hope in Cripple Creek At the end of January and...
Featured Guest: Author Greg Turnquist
For this very special edition of my blog, I have a rather interesting guest. This is an author who has published several technical (computer) books that, quite frankly, I have no interest in. (Sorry, Greg.) But a couple of things have brought him on the blog today:...
FEATURED GUEST: Author John Theo Jr.
Happy Friday! And thank goodness it's FRIDAY!!!! It has been a crazy busy week for me, how about you all? I am excited to introduce you to my guest today - author John Theo Jr. He is here to talk about his latest release with Clean Reads. Welcome, John. First, would...
The Heart of the Matter: Characterology
I have been in the practice of writing now for quite some time. I have been to numerous conferences and sat under the tutelage of very gifted authors, both at these live events and in my study of craft through books and blogs. One of the key things I have come to...
FEATURED GUEST & GIVEAWAY: Author Krysten Lindsay Hager
Hello again! I have another great blog for you today - a guest author, Krysten Lindsay Hager. She is here to tell us about the last book in one of her series, Landry's True Colors Series. And she will be giving away a signed copy of a book from her other...
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Sara R. Turnquist