Sara’s Blog

CREATING MEMES: Walking You Through My Process

Hello! Sorry I've been absent. Life has been crazy! And I have struggled with what to post. Then I thought perhaps I should turn my posts into more practical how-to's for a time and give you a step by step process on how I do some of the things I do in the...

THE MUSE: Don’t Wait For Her, Track That Lady Down

In this season of my life (in the midst of grieving for the loss of my mom), I am having some difficulty finding the writing muse. Mind you, this is not the first time that muse has been tricky with me. Sometimes I find that the house has to be perfectly straight, all...

A LITTLE OFF TOPIC: Dealing with Grief

Hey, everyone...sorry I haven't blogged in a little while. I've found myself in a hard place. My mother passed away unexpectedly on April 9th. She's not the first person in my life that I have lost. Not even the first close relationship to have lost to death. But she...

A JUGGLING ACT: How Many Books Can I Keep In the Air?

There have been a few times in my short writing career when I have found myself in a juggling act. Too many books, so little time, you know? This would be one of those times. I started a project here, submitted one there, and soon enough, I ended up juggling several...

PLANTSING: How I Wrote A Novella In 3 Days

Plantsing... What a weird word, huh? Especially to those of you who are not in the writing world. But even for those of you who are writers, this word may not look familiar. It is what happens when a pantser begins to bring plotting into their process or vice a versa....

Too Many Irons in the Fire & The Need for Rest

My view this morning   Illness This has been a season for illness for many people. My family in particular has been in a holding pattern. A close family member has been in the hospital, in critical condition, for quite sometime. She came home for only a couple of...

"Sign up for my newsletter and get a FREE copy of the Hope in Cripple Creek prequel novella!"

Sara R. Turnquist