Hey! I'm here to share my thoughts on Hannah Conway's "Up in Smoke". I have spent more time this summer reading than I thought I would. Strange, as I have had less free time than I thought I would. Where is this reading time coming from? Oh well. Before I get to the...
Sara’s Blog
SPOTLIGHT: Hannah R. Conway’s “Up in Smoke”
Hello, all! I have some very exciting news for you. Some of you may be aware that there are a few authors that I absolutely adore. Of those authors, there are a few that I have connected with through conferences and whatnot. Of those, there are a few that I would call...
A LITTLE OFF TOPIC: I love my kids AND I’m excited for school to start
Yes, contrary to (apparently) popular believe, I can love my kids, love spending time with them, and be excited for school to start. No? You don't think so? Well, maybe it's my perspective on the return to school. School is NOT... I do not see returning to school as...
WRITING WOES: Critique or Criticism
I have written before about reviews and how I handle them...and some tips for others. But, today, I want to dig a little deeper and discuss the difference between CRITIQUE and CRITICISM. I have received both in my life and in my writing career. Once upon a time, I was...
While I'm on this marketing kick, I thought we should talk about the newsletter. It is one of the most important tools a writer/author has for marketing. There is a lot we can do on Facebook and Twitter as far as posting and tweeting and getting information out there....
The Importance of Scheduling Rest
I am weary. Anyone else? This summer has been busy. And I don't mean "we've been doing a lot". I mean "it's been crazy, no weekends free, running around all the time" busy. So I am drained. Do you ever find yourself this way? Overtired, overstressed, and...
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Sara R. Turnquist