Sara’s Blog
SPOTLIGHT: Author Krysten Lindsay Hager’s “Can Dreams Come True”
I am pleased to welcome back author Krysten Lindsay Hager. She writes Contemporary YA Fiction. Her characters experience everything I wish I had as a teenager. And without being fantastical or beyond believable. She keeps it real. What more could you want? So, without...
BALANCE IN WRITING: What Does Your Body Need?
I don't know if you've heard before...but writing takes a physical toll on your body. I know it may not seem like it. I mean, all we're doing is sitting and typing on a keyboard, right? If you really think about it, the challenges come to light. If you aren't set up...
Balance Quote
GUEST POST & GIVEAWAY: Author Greg L. Turnquist
Planning A Book Launch by Greg L. Turnquist In this day and age, launching a book isn’t something handled by your publisher. You the author are front and center a part of it. That is, unless you want your book to debut dead on arrival. So what can you do? I’ve...
FIND BALANCE: Cut Out the Unnecessary Excess
There comes a time in anyone's life when you just get overwhelmed. You know what I mean...overstressed, overtired, overwrought, overdone. It's too much. Your TO DO list is longer at the end of the day than it was at the beginning. You have tried prioritizing your TO...
"Sign up for my newsletter and get a FREE copy of the Hope in Cripple Creek prequel novella!"
Sara R. Turnquist