Up and Down Goes the Heart by Leanne W. Smith In April I flew to Chicago for a conference. April is a busy month for educators, and this conference took place during the highest peak of my work season. I was tired when I left, and tired when I came home. Down goes the...
Sara’s Blog
Ever felt overwhelmed by your schedule? Had too many things on the "To Do" list than you could possible do that day? Orthat week? Do you know all too well the intense stress of having too many things to do right now and nothing can be put off? Brothers, sisters, we...
Lysa TerKeurst Purpose Quote
GIVEAWAY & INTERVIEW: Author Cindy Ervin Huff
Hello, readers! I hope you are all well and enjoying the summer weather...even if it is a little hot and a bit stormy at times. Seems like the right time to curl up with a good book to me. At the beach, in the mountains, on the back porch, at the pool...wherever!...
CHARACTER INTERVIEW & GIVEAWAY: Amanda of “A Convenient Risk”
Hey, everyone! I know, I know, this is normally the day you get to meet a "new-to-you" author and learn about fabulous new books. But today, I am doing something a little bit different. Oh, it's still and interview, as you can see, but it's an interview with Amanda,...
OVERCOMING MYSELF: Getting Out Of My Own Way
As you know, this blog has become so much about the things that I have had to overcome in my life. And there have been so many, I have found, who can relate. Those who have encountered similar struggles with depression, grief, children who don't "fit the profile", and...
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Sara R. Turnquist