Welcome, all, to another edition of the blog and another fabulous author for you to meet–author Amy R. Anguish. Amy writes clean contemporary romance. I met her through the ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) Romance Genre Facebook page, which I continue to enjoy networking and learning through. But enough of that…let’s meet Amy!
Welcome to the blog, Amy! First, can you tell us a little about your novel?
I got the idea for this book at a time when my sister and I didn’t see eye-to-eye. I’m sure most siblings go through years like that, even after they’re grown. We’re much closer now, but the idea was still there.
What would happen if two sisters who didn’t along were forced to spend a summer together? Would it push their relationship to the limits? Would it bring them closer together?
I let this idea stew for several years, before I realized it paired well with another idea that had been simmering in the back of my brain about a girl who has finally overcome her infertility struggle. Faith, the older sister in my book, is that girl. The younger sister has other issues – mainly trying to figure out what she really wants to do with her life now that she’s lost her dream job. And, of course, there’s a bit of romance, too. 😊
Intriguing…my sister and I did go through this period as well. And now she is one of my best friends!
My readers already know this about me: I definitely set the mood when I write…I have my coffee, my instrumental music…you know? What about you? What kind of music, if any, do you listen to when you write?
I’ve heard that you’ll always prefer the music you grew up with to any other kind that comes along later. That’s probably why I listen to a lot of 90s pop when I write. Although I do branch out and listen to some of what my parents grew up with sometimes (ABBA, the Monkees, the Carpenters, etc) or every now and then I throw in my Glenn Miller CD.
Sweet! I grew up on my dad’s favorite music–the Beatles!
What about your writing “atmosphere”? Do you have a favorite time of day to write? What about a favorite place?
I don’t know if it’s my favorite time of day, but the time of day I can actually find a quiet moment to write is usually early afternoon. That’s when my kids are napping. I have a comfy chair that rocks a bit and is beside the window and the fireplace with stacks of papers and books around that I can never keep cleaned up.
Kids napping–I know that’s right! Mine are just now starting school. My last one will start this next Fall. Having them home has been a joy, but it does limit your writing time 🙂
How long does it take you to write a book?
Amazingly enough, most of my books were written (first draft) in 30 days. I participate in Nanowrimo every year, and the goal is 50,000 words or more in 30 days. I think I’ve only ever written one manuscript outside of that.
That’s cool! I have done a few manuscripts during Nanowrimo, but not all. That’s a really interesting factoid!
Can you tell us something about your newest release that is NOT in the blurb.
This book is set in central Texas, a place my husband and I lived for five years. Even though we love where we live now in Tennessee, there are a lot of things about that area that we miss. Right now, I’m missing the bluebonnets.
Aw…I’m a Tennessee girl myself. Born and raised. Lived in Central Florida for a few years, then moved back to really settle down. Can’t say I miss the palm trees though…
Before I let you go, I have to ask…do you have any current projects you’re working on? Care to share?
I’ve got one manuscript on the back burner, waiting to see if it gets accepted by the publisher I’ve submitted it to. It’s about a girl who tries to adopt a baby who is the only other survivor in a wreck she’s in. I’m also re-writing another manuscript written ages ago that had good bones, but lousy everything else. It’s about a widow who is trying not to fall in love with her husband’s best friend.
What an interesting concept! Hope you have success developing those. Editing and re-writing can be so much harder than writing that first draft.
Thanks again for being on the blog…for sharing about your process and your release. And now, readers, without further ado…I release you to experience this peek at Faith and Hope!
Faith and Hope

Two sisters. One summer. Multiple problems.
Younger sister Hope has lost her job, her car, and her boyfriend all in one day. Her well-laid plans for life have gone sideways, as has her hope in God.
Older sister Faith is finally getting her dream-come-true after years of struggles and prayers. But when her mom talks her into letting Hope move in for the summer, will the stress turn her dream into a nightmare? Is her faith in God strong enough to handle everything?
For two sisters who haven’t gotten along in years, this summer together could be a disaster … or it could lead them to a closer relationship with each other and God. Can they overcome all life is throwing at them? Or is this going to destroy their relationship for good?
Enjoy an Excerpt
“In all honesty, I really thought this meeting might have been to say I was going to get a raise next year.” Hope Cook gave a little chuckle. Anything was better than bursting into tears in front of her boss, even if it was faking laughter.
“Trust me, Hope. If I could have done that, you would be at the top of my list.” Mr. Smith straightened some papers. “Unfortunately, the school board has spoken. The team has to have another coach.”
“I know.” Hope half-heartedly held up a fist. “Go Buckley!”
“If anything changes at all, I’ll let you know.”
Hope couldn’t help but slump her shoulders as she opened the doors to rain. Evidently, the weather was in the same mood she was. She stepped out from under the overhang … and directly into a puddle.
Laid off.
Wet clothes.
Soaked feet.
She listed every bad thing the afternoon had wrought thus far as she squished her way through the parking lot.
“You have got to be kidding me.” The umbrella doused her with another shower as she fought to close it. She tossed the miscreant tool into her backseat and slammed the door.
She took a moment to lay her head on the steering wheel and give in to her depression. “Why, God? Why give me my dream job only to take it away?”
A clap of thunder sounded. She lifted her head and hands.
“Okay, okay. Sorry. But I don’t understand.”
She shook her head. Was she really arguing with God? Obviously, she needed to go home and rest.
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More About the Author

Amy R Anguish grew up a preacher’s kid, and in spite of having lived in seven different states that are all south of the Mason Dixon line, she is not a football fan. Currently, she resides in Tennessee with her husband, daughter, and son, and usually a bossy cat or two. Amy has an English degree from Freed-Hardeman University that she intends to use to glorify God, and she wants her stories to show that while Christians face real struggles, it can still work out for good.
Connect with Amy and her books
Follow her at http://abitofanguish.weebly.com or http://www.facebook.com/amyanguishauthor