Sara R. Turnquist
Statement of Faith
I lived a reckless life of rebellion against the Lord until the ripe old age of 5. During a family devotional about choosing God over money (“you cannot serve both things”), of all things, God impressed upon my young heart that it was necessary to make a choice. And I chose to follow Him, trusting in Christ’s sacrifice alone to cover my sins (past, present, and future), and have not looked back.
I was baptized by immersion a couple of years later after coming to a greater understanding of faith and the meaning of baptism.
All of this became more meaningful to me as my understanding of Him and spiritual things have deepened, of course, but the simple truth of the Gospel (Christ dying once for all), of course, has not changed.
My understanding of God through scripture exploded during my college years as I really dug into His Word for myself and discovered the precious treasures there. I became a part of an amazing and active college ministry where God used other believers to sharpen me and shape me as a leader.
The road has not always been easy. Specifically my struggle through depression and learning to parent children with special needs. But He has always been with me, guiding me, teaching me, and refining me.
And I am more in love with Him than ever.
I currently attend Grace Community Church in Middle Tennessee.