Good day, readers! I have an author for you today that I have come to “know” through a couple of venues. One is the ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) Romance genre Facebook Group and we also are part of another group, Pure Romance Reads and Readers of Pure Romance. I have been watching her books and am eager to learn more!
Welcome to the blog, Toni! It’s so good to have you here. Let’s jump right into the lightning round…
Not every part of the writing process is sunshine and puppy dogs…there’s always something that every author likes less. What part of the writing process do you dread?
I dread the editing process! Once I’m done writing the first draft I’m ready to move on to the next story and the editing process keeps me stuck in the same story.
I can totally relate to this…it gets to where I’m so tired of examining every little word.
I find that authors glean a lot from each other…even just in reading their work. What about you? What are you currently reading?
I have a few books in my immediate TBR pile. Forgiving Tess by Kimberly M. Miller, Stealing Adda by Tamara Leigh (a reread for me), The Heart Surrendered by Joy K. Massenburge, and The Killing Tide by Dani Pettrey.
You have named a couple of my own favorites – all my readers know I’m a huge Tamara Leigh fan. And I adore Joy K. Massenburge!
What about your process? Is there some particular kind of music you listen to when you write?
It depends on the book. I create a Spotify playlist for each book I write. Usually a mix of country, R&B, and Christian/Gospel music.
It is interesting how many authors do this kind of thing…it has made me rethink my listening. I used to have an instrumental playlist for “writing.” Now, like you, I create one for each book.
One last question before you go – do you have any current projects you’re working on? Care to share?
Right now, I’m writing a Christmas novella. My heroine is returning home after being laid off. As the youngest of 5, she wrestles with feelings of inadequacies. It doesn’t help that her sister is marrying her ex-boyfriend.
Interesting premise. I do enjoy Christmas novellas…I’ll have to keep my eyes open for this one 🙂
Thanks so much, Toni, for being on the blog and sharing. I’ll let you go and let my readers jump into Risking Love.
Risking Love

Nikki lives with a perfect trifecta of noes. No guys. No dates. No way. After years of keeping men at bay, Nikki Gordon has it down to a science. No one, not even the sweet, hunky Shorty Smalls can change her mind. Period. So if she’s got it all figured out, why does her heart sink to her toes when she sees Shorty with another woman? Read Risking Love today and see what happens when you risk your heart to the care of a good man.
Enjoy an Excerpt
“Welcome to The Maple…Pit.” Nikki Gordon forgot the rest of her speech because Gregory “Shorty” Smalls had just walked into The Pit with another woman.
Her breath faltered as she looked into Shorty’s dark brown eyes. He flashed his engaging grin as if nothing momentous had just occurred. She catalogued his features, taking in his warm russet brown skin and the close-cropped haircut that always had her hands itching for a feel. Everything looked the same except for the woman standing next to him.
“Um, Nikki, can we get a table?” Shorty eyed her, his head tilted in confusion.
“Right.” She grabbed two menus as her heart stuttered back to life in her chest.
For the past six years she’d been The Pit’s hostess, and not once had Shorty come in with a woman who wasn’t a relative. Not once had she imagined him walking in with a very attractive, petite blonde woman with a cute button nose.
He’s not your boyfriend.
And didn’t that burn! “Right this way.” She spun on her heel, marching toward an empty table. No way would she put them in a booth where they could get all cozy. Placing the menus down, she forced her lips upward. If her smile looked as painful as it felt, the mystery lady would think Nikki the most insincere hostess ever.
Not that I care. “Your server will be right out.” The words strained past the lump in her throat.
“Wait up, Nikki.” Shorty held up his hand.
Yes? His words rooted her to the floor.
“Nikki, meet Trina. Trina, this is Nikki.”
He was introducing them to one another? Ugh.
More About the Author

Toni Shiloh is a wife, mom, and Christian fiction writer. Once she understood the powerful saving grace thanks to the love of Christ, she was moved to honor her Savior. She writes to bring Him glory and to learn more about His goodness.
You can find her on her website at
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