by | Jan 31, 2018 | guest post

Hello, readers! Today is a great day to introduce you to one of my fellow Clean Reads friends, author K. R. (Karen) Martin. And if you enjoy pirates, history, adventure, romance, a combination thereof…has she got a novel for you! I am so eager to jump into the interview so Karen can speak for herself, that I’ll stop gabbing and get right to it 🙂

Karen, thanks for being on the blog today. First, can you tell us a little about your novel.

The Pirate Princess is a coming of age story about a princess who yearns to be more than a pretty face. She secretly learns swordsmanship, becoming one of the best, and ready to fight to earn her place as queen of her nation. After a tragic loss, she flees onto a pirate ship, using her skills to fight for her people, and gains her own force of loyal men to help fight to reclaim her throne.

Interesting… I love a girl who can swing her own sword!

Did you always want to be a writer? If not, what did you want to be when you were a child?

Writing wasn’t something that jumped out at me as a child. I loved reading, but I didn’t realize I could really create stories until college. Like most girls, I wanted to be a ballerina, until I discovered how awesome History was, and then I wanted to be an archaeologist, a la Indiana Jones.

Gotta love the pull of history 🙂 So, when did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

I wrote simple, short stories in high school, but it was really in college when I realized I could write a novel, and that I enjoyed creating these stories and characters.

I know we writers glean insight from reading other authors as much as we learn from craft books. What are you currently reading?

I actually just finished A Song Unheard by Roseanna M. White, and it was amazing. Now I have to wait for her third book. lol

And do you have to “set the mood” when you write? Listen to music and what not? I guess I’m wondering what kind of music, if any, do you listen to when you write?

I actually like to watch something when I write. I tend to gravitate towards movies that are similar to what I’m writing, such as lots of Pirates of the Caribbean, some classic pirate tales, and I love the romances in fairy tales, so those tend to sneak in to my ‘watch’ list.

I do a little bit of that too, but I’m more drawn toward music to set the tone for me.

Do you have a favorite time of day to write? What about a favorite place?

I definitely write better at night when the sun’s down (and also when my kids are down lol). I usually set up in a comfortable chair with my tablet, put a movie on, grab a hot tea, and sit and write for a couple of hours.

Sounds nice. I’m in that club too (“when my kids are down”).

Do you have any current projects you’re working on? Care to share?

Currently, I’m trying to finish the sequel to this book, and it’s been fun continuing these characters’ journeys.

Something to look forward to. Thanks again for answering my questions and for sharing about your work and process. I am eager to introduce my readers to your novel, so I won’t ramble much longer…

The Pirate Princess

Raised to marry a king, Renee’s greatest desire is to be a true queen. So, while other girls learned the art of embroidery, Renee perfected her skills with a sword. She was prepared to earn the respect of her future husband, but a chance encounter with a handsome stranger awakens her heart to the possibility of love.

… a girl must become a pirate.

When tragedy strikes, Renee flees, right onto a pirate ship! Surprising herself, she offers to join their crew. Happy to finally put her swordsmanship to use, she fights injustice on the seas, but when her kingdom is threatened, can she give up the safety and happiness for an uncertain future? Or can she finally become the leader, the princess, her people need?

Enjoy an Excerpt

No sooner had she turned, but Renee faced an oncoming rush of villains. Metal rang through the room as the blows were blocked. Renee’s eyes grew wide as a large man singled her out, his sword swung above his head. She parried, her sword vibrating with the force of his blow. Judging by the sounds that raged above, this battle was just as fierce. The cramped quarters made it difficult to fight well, and Renee began to feel her strength wane. She was beginning to lose her nerve as well; this man was far better than most she had fought, and for the first time since she joined the Qilin, she felt real fear.

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More About the Author

K.R. (Karen) Martin has always loved stories, whether reading or writing them. Her passion for stories led her to a BA in History with a minor in English. She’s unapologetically a princess at heart, even if she loves a good rapier as much as a formal gown. Deeply romantic, she loves that she gets to live with her own prince charming, and her best friend, in Texas along with their cat and two children.

Connect with Karen and her works





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