Hello! Here I am with author Kinsey Corwin. I met Kinsey through my publishing company Clean Reads and invited her on to talk about her new release, What if We Break. This Holiday themed short novel seems to be just what the season ordered. I, myself, am eager to learn more about it. Kinsey has also offered a Kindle e-copy of the book as a giveaway (see below for details on how to enter). So, without further ado, let’s check in with Kinsey.
Welcome to my blog, Kinsey. First, can you tell us a little about your novel.
What if We Break is the story of an estranged married couple. Dakota and Kreed Bryant have faced some tragedies that drove them apart. When two of their closest friends get married, they have to face each other and the things that drove them apart.
Oohh…interesting. Sounds like a good set up.
Did you always want to be a writer?
No. I wrote on and off in my teens. But didn’t realize I wanted to write until after my children were born.
So similar to my story…I totally get it. What did you want to be when you were a child?
When I was younger, I really wanted to be a marine biologist or an artist like Robert Wyland. His art fascinated and inspired me.
True story…my degree is in biology. And I worked in a zoo for 15 years, teaching, while I continued to write. I have a real passion for wildlife and wild places, but the lure of the muse kept pulling me.
Now, I know we all enjoy many things about the process (or else we wouldn’t be writing, right?), but there are things we don’t necessarily like. What part of the writing process do you dread?
Plotting. I’m such a fly by the seat of my pants kind of writer, but it sometimes causes serious plot issues. So I’m trying to learn to be a little better about plotting, which has been really hard.
By nature, I am a “pantser” too, but I have become a “plantser” as I call it. I plot out/develop my characters and their arcs before I start writing. Then I pants everything else. It seems to help.
I am forever gleaning what I can from other writers. Do you have any suggestions to help me become a better writer?
Devour the authors you love, in your genre out of your genre. If you love them, read them. There is much to be learned from the authors we turn to when we want to escape for a little bit. The books you read and aren’t fond of…learn from them as well. What didn’t you like? What worked? What would you do differently? Take classes and workshops. Delve into some craft books, keep them handy for reference when you are struggling. Surround yourself with a good support system. And remember that even struggles will get you closer to achieving your publishing dreams. As they say…Rome wasn’t built in a day. Your novel and writing career won’t be either.
Good advice! I like it! Speaking of which…what are you currently reading?
Right now I’m really enjoying the Hawk Elite series by Beth Rhodes. I’m on the second book, Strike Fear, and anxiously looking forward to more.
To get in my writing head space, I often have to “set the mood”. That includes music for me. What kind of music, if any, do you listen to when you write?
Music in my house is almost always on country, even when I’m writing. When the muse demands something else, it is usually along the lines of The Chainsmokers, Twenty One Pilots, Fall Out Boy, Panic at the Disco, or P!nk. And if I’m really in a music pickle, I rely on my niece to provide me with a list of go to tunes that they are listening to.
What else helps you set the mood? Do you have a favorite time of day to write?
I love to write in the morning. It seems to be when I have the least distractions. Sadly, I don’t get the opportunity to do so often because I still work a day job. яндекс
What about a favorite place?
I love to write from my couch or at a local coffee joint (such a typical author response it seems). When I am visiting my parents, I love to sit in their backyard and write.
I have a really nice set up at home, too, but I seem to think better at the local coffee shop too.
Something that always intrigues non-writers is the creative process and how long it takes. So for you, how long does it take to write a book?
Writing my books tend to take anywhere from a month to a year depending on the genre and how detailed the book is.
Do you have any current projects your working on? Care to share?
Yes. I am currently working on the second book in the Serendipity series. It follows Justice Morgan, who readers are introduced to in What if We Break. She hasn’t had the easiest life and really feels like she is unlucky when it comes to the opposite sex.
Thanks for sharing. And thanks for being on my blog today! I am excited to share more about Kinsey’s book, so I will go ahead and step out of the way (proverbially), and give you a chance to check it out!
What if We Break
Sometimes the holidays can be complicated…
Dakota Bryant has had more than her share of heartache, especially around the holidays. With her best friend’s wedding quickly approaching and her estranged husband in the wedding party, she’s not likely to catch a break. Hopefully she can survive the Christmas week with her heart and sanity still intact.
War and loss left Kreed Bryant a shell of the man he once was. Returning home for the holidays to play his role as best man to his closest friend is simple. Facing his biggest challenge… setting things right with the one woman he vowed to move Heaven and Earth for is a lot more complicated.
To find their way back to the love they once had, they will have to be honest about who they are and learn that every journey to happiness is not easy or without heartache.
Enjoy an Excerpt
This is an encounter between Kreed and Dakota towards the beginning of the story. One of the reasons I love this so much is because for me, it gives a very small glimpse into the push and pull that exists between these two.
Kreed tapped Chase on the shoulder. “Mind if I cut in?”
“Sorry, this little lady is spoken for.” Chase wrapped her in a bear hug. “And I don’t think her husband would appreciate it.”
Dakota laughed and wrestled her way out of Chase’s grasp. She looked at him, her eyes wary. “You can cut in. But I have a condition. Don’t spoil it. No talking.”
Thankful for the small reprieve in her desire to run from him, Kreed pretended to zip his lips as he pulled her into his arms. A Christmas tree was nestled in the corner next to the jukebox and multi-colored strands of lights were strung overhead. He remembered the bar looking almost the same the night he told her they would be relocating to a base outside of the only home she’d ever known. He ended up losing so much more than he’d ever imagined while serving his country. The music pumped through the speakers playing a song he was quite familiar with. The lyrics talked about sitting in darkness with a broken heart and every word rang through to his core. Fitting that it was the song he and Dakota would dance to. He pulled her closer as they moved to the music. Her body pressed against his as they let the music take them away.
“Careful, we might pick up right where we left off,” he murmured against her ear as he slid his arms around her waist.
“Shhh…you agreed no talking.”
“I know.” He sighed. “But this…we were always good at being in the moment. We used to be good at a lot of things.”
He spun her out of his arms then drew her back in.
“I know.” She laid her head against his shoulder.
Kreed laughed. “One day at a time.”
“Things didn’t work out so well for us last time. Too much unsaid between us. And what we did say…”
Cut deep. Not one of his finer moments.
She let out a slow shaky breath. “I’m sorry. I can’t do this tonight.”
Dakota slid out from his arms, hurried to the bar, gathered her purse and was gone before he could fight his way through the crowd.
Buy Link
Amazon: http://a.co/e1ojXGe
More about the Author
Author. Hopeless romantic. Overall mess.
That sums Kinsey Corwin up in a nutshell. But, if you would like a little bit more info on her, she was born in San Antonio, lived in the Southwest most of her life with a brief stint in Panama and California during her childhood. The majority of that time has been among the glitz and glam of Neon Lights known as Las Vegas, until recently when she relocated to a small college town in Southern Utah.
She loves baseball, has an obsession with the Boston Red Sox although she’s never been to the East Coast, and she had a real ugly cry going when Big Papi retired.
Connect with Kinsey and her books
Website: http://kinseycorwin.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/corwinwrites/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/kinseycorwin
Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/kinsey-corwin
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/corwinwrites/
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Kinsey-Corwin/e/B01FNE9DMI
Newsletter: http://kinseycorwin.us16.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=7b4f60d4a927342562db64929&id=cb4773c4ee
Okay, giveaway time. Kinsey has generously offered a Kindle e-copy of What if We Break to one person, randomly drawn from the individuals who comment on the post. Entries will be collected through Thursday, October 26, 2017 at 11:59 pm (CST). You may comment on the interview or answer this question:
What is your favorite author?