Writers Conference: A View From the Front

by | Jun 27, 2017 | writing | 0 comments

I have just returned from the Kentucky Christian Writers Conference in Elizabethtown, KY. It was a blast! But it was also a tiring venture. Aren’t all conferences? You leave with a ton of business cards from your networking efforts, more friends, greater knowledge and understanding of aspects of the craft, and renewed inspiration. This year, however, I had another level to my exhaustion…I was a workshop facilitator.

And I realized how much I took for granted how nice it is to show up to the conference with naught but your pitch prepared and one sheets, synopsis, and business cards in hand. Not only did I have a couple of weeks of preparation under my belt, I had props, sign up sheets, books to sell, handouts, and a myriad of other things along for the ride (including chocolate).

So, I facilitated four workshops: “Preparing for Liftoff: Launching Your Book”, “Writing a Proposal/Querying” (with my husband), “Basic Characterology”, and “Marketing with Memes”.

It was great to share what knowledge I do possess and encourage other writers at different places in their journeys. There’s nothing like it. And I will look forward to doing so again at (hopefully) this conference next year and others.

I will be honest and say that the thing I enjoyed the LEAST was the panel. Whoa! It was not being put on the spot. It was not the questions…it was being up there with some of the authors I admire and respect the most (and my publisher, to say the least), and trusting my tongue to put forth good answers.

By and large, I encourage all authors and writers to go to conferences, as many as you can (make sure they are reputable, of course). And take that knowledge back to the writers that are newer in the craft than you. And, as the time comes and you have grown in your experience and technique, put yourself out there to teach.

Until next time, Happy Reading! Oh, and Happy Writing!

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