My New Year’s Gift to You: An eBook copy of “Off to War”

by | Dec 28, 2016 | Off to War - Novel Scenes | 0 comments

I hope everyone survived Christmas and is doing well. Especially looking forward to 2017. I know I am. New possibilities and new routines. Perhaps a new normal. In some ways, I feel I’ve been in a rut. In others, I know I need to buckle down and nail down a better routine. All of which I hope can be accomplished in these next couple of months and set the tone for this next year.

But I do want to start off this year with a gift for my readers…I am offering my novel “Off to War” for free (on ebook) through Amazon! I am really excited about this and hoping many people take advantage of this offer!

What is that one about again?

What happens when a battle wages within a woman’s heart?

The impulsive Elizabeth is passionate about many things. Above all, her long time beau and friend, John. When he enlists in the Union army as a surgeon, she sneaks onboard his train. Determined to follow him through thick and thin, this high society woman joins the Sanitary Commission.

Constantly in fear of being discovered and sent back home, she keeps a low profile. Until she catches word that John has gone to the front to save some critically wounded soldiers. Despite the dangers of musket and cannon fire, she knows the decision she must make to ensure John makes it back alive.

Another interesting tidbit…

As some of you know, I use pinterest mostly for the purpose of building character and history boards for my books. So, you can follow this link to see who I would cast for the different characters in “Off to War” as well as some photos from the period:

And so…

Keep a sharp eye on amazon December 31st and January 1st. Be sure to secure your copy. I’ll do my best to share more tidbits about the creation and process behind “Off to War” along the way.

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Sara R. Turnquist