Christmas: I Need A Silent Night

by | Dec 13, 2016 | reflections | 0 comments

I find myself yet again this year in the midst of craziness. Is this what Christmas is for the parents of littles? I see the joy of the magic of Christmas in them. I love experiencing the wonder of the season through them anew, but this hustling and bustling is for the birds. December is halfway over and it seems as if I’m stuck in a time warp somehow. Christmas doesn’t seem real this year.


NaNoWriMo is a wonderful thing in my life. It has allowed me to complete two novels (one this year, one last year) in record time. But it’s difficult to explain what it does to my enjoyment of the holiday season. Every spare moment goes to writing. And things are ramping up for holiday festivities and families are enjoying Thanksgiving. As well, I try to spread out my Christmas shopping across November and December (really trying to be done with the bulk of it in November so I can enjoy December), but no more. There is no time to fit that stuff in with NaNoWriMo absorbing my spare time. These are all things I must consider before committing next year.

Gift Giving

Gift Giving is one of my love languages…most certainly. But I am one of those gift givers that likes to find something that a friend/family member would love/enjoy and get that for them. I don’t like this obligation or this tit-for-tat thought to gift giving. The social expectations inherent in the process is, of course, something I understand. But I’d rather give a gift because I saw it and thought of you and wanted you to have it. You know? It’s all become too commercial for my taste.

Taking Time

This is where I am ultimately lacking. I have been going here, doing that, making this, spending that…barely spending time just being. Or resting in the reason for the season. The family togetherness, the joy of humanity in harmony, and the coming of the Eternal Light to earth on one cold Bethlehem night. I fear this is true of so many parents, especially those of littles – stopping to just be in the moment and appreciate it for all it holds.

So, let’s make that our goal for the remainder of this holiday season…to stop, at least once each day, and just take it in – our children, our homes decked out in their red and evergreen glory, the laughter, the joy, and the eternal peace we have been offered.

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