What is the state of things?

by | Jan 26, 2016 | reflections, writing | 0 comments

We’re almost a year into this blog. A year from my first contract. And I’m getting some questions about what’s happening with this manuscript and that one…what am I working on right now…so it seems appropriate to do a post about the state of things. Where are the books and manuscripts right now? How have things been going? What are my plans for the immediate future and the upcoming year?


TheLadyBornekova1400x2100The Lady Bornekova. The one that started it all. It’s been a little over six months since my debut novel came out. Overall, I will say that it has been well received. Is it everyone’s cup of tea? No. But neither am I 🙂 If you enjoy clean Historical Fiction/Romance that’s not too heavy-handed, but has an interesting story with a meaningful romance, my books will be more your style.

TheGeneralsWife1600x2400The General’s WifeThis book has just debuted earlier this month. And we are looking forward to the blog tour coming soon. It was supposed to start January 25th, but has been delayed to take better advantage of bloggers who are interested in hosting but needed different dates. Having a great tour (instead of a rushed tour) is all about timing.

Off to WarThis book has been through my beta readers and needs some final editing from me before it is ready to go. That final round of self-editing/folding in beta reader suggestions is back burner right now.

cripple creek copyHope in Cripple CreekFeedback from beta readers is currently being folded in and I’m about halfway through the book doing so as I apply some final self-editing. As this book was written about a year ago and I’ve learned so much since then, I am wanting to apply what I have learned to this manuscript. It just takes time.

the_trail_of_tearsTrail of FearsStill out with one last beta reader. Also, I am letting this manuscript “rest” before I return to it. So, you could say it, too is back burner for now.

The DiaryJust finished self-editing and sent it out to my beta readers. This is an exciting time for me! I can’t wait to hear what my trusted readers have to say about my work!

The Lady Bornekova’s SequelI am about half-way through writing. I came to a point where, as you can see, I had too many irons in the fire. So, I am taking one manuscript at a time and trying to work my way through it. This sequel is being brought to the front burner (as it were). I am still deep in research about the Hussite Wars and about the military leader of the Hussite armies, Jan Zizka. So much rich history there!


critique groupThis past year has been a time of learning and honing my craft. A massive amount of learning! Conferences, online classes, the weekly critique group…all of it. And I am trying to be the best little sponge I can be. I started small in the way of conferences and went to the local Clarksville Writer’s Conference (fairly small, but good). Then worked my way up to a moderate sized conference in Kentucky (the Kentucky Christian Writer’s Conference). Then, finally, I steeled myself for a huge, national conference – the ACFW Conference. It’s been a whirlwind, it’s been so educational, it’s been AMAZING! I am addicted.


typewriter-chapter-oneJust Keep Writing. Remember all those manuscripts that are on some burner? Well, those need to get conquered. And there are more ideas flowing. I plan to submit another manuscript for consideration in the near future as well. Which one…I’m not telling!

conference1Speaking Engagements. I hope to expand this area of my repertoire. This next month, I will be speaking about my personal struggle with Post Partum Depression. There are many other topics I am ready and eager to speak on including, but not limited to, writing.

Workshops. The critique group I am a part of will be hosting two more workshops this semester, which I will be co-teaching. You can find out more about them here. Topics include branding, blogging, show don’t tell, deep point of view, character development, and more.


Conferences. I fully intend to hit some conferences again this summer. They are such a valuable source of information, networking, and a great opportunity to pitch your work to agents/editors. Definitely worth the investment.

Agenting. I have gone back and forth about whether or not I need an agent. I am starting to lean toward ‘yes’. So, I will more seriously be pursuing this prospect.

So, in conclusion…there is a LOT going on. But I wouldn’t trade it for anything, this wild, crazy life of mine. And to think…this all started a year ago. Before that I was a “closet writer”. Writing was a hobby, nothing more than a pastime for me. What a difference a year can make!

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