
by | Nov 25, 2015 | reflections, writing | 0 comments

Well, it’s been a little while since I posted (sorry!). I’ve been super busy with writing and life. But here I am! And I’m still going strong on my challenges for the month of November. Although I may have taken on a little too much. As the month draws to a close, I am so thankful that I have been able to keep up with everything and not fall apart 🙂

nanowrimo2015NaNoWriMo. We’re coming up on the end of NaNoWriMo. As of today, I have passed the 40K mark and I have 6 days to write a little less than 10K words? I’m believing I can totally do that! Are you with me? My story has taken a LOT of twists and turns that I wasn’t anticipating and I am eager to see what will become of those. Now, this novel will not actually be complete at 50K. For Historical Fiction, publishers/agents want authors/writers to hit more around the 80K mark. So, I’ll still have some work to do, but to be an official “NaNoWriMo Winner”, I just have to complete the 50K words in the month of November.

bibleVerses Challenge. I don’t think I shared this before, but I took on another challenge…to write a passage (several verses) a day that pertains to thankfulness or thanksgiving. I’ve kept up with it. Some days I have to play catch up and do more than one passage, but I’ve stayed on top of it so far. This has been a good challenge to get me in the Bible and keep me in it daily. I hope this is building a habit that will continue.

starbucks cupStarbucks Challenge. Yes, this is a silly challenge. And yes, I needed extra coffee because of the NaNoWriMo…but (some of you may already know), Starbucks ran a challenge for their card-holding members to get a drink every day for 15 days straight for tons of bonus stars (these stars get turned into free drinks in certain quantities). This was an interesting challenge. It was fun. But it became challenging when I was in Florida some days because the closest Starbucks was a good 20-30 minutes away from where I was staying (what on earth, right?) and it was out of the way to get there a couple of days. But I met that challenge head on and completed it (yay!). I know, I’m a Starbucks freak. You can say it.

So, as you can see, this has been a challenging month for me (pun intended). And I’ll be taking on a new challenge for the next several months…a weight loss challenge. And, no, it has nothing to do with a New Year’s Resolution. It has everything to do with the fact that I want to be healthier. I’ve been making small changes over the last several months as far as my diet and caffeine intake (brutal, right?) and increasing water intake and all that…but after Thanksgiving, I plan to dive into a serious plan of action. With these challenges behind me, I think I can take it on!

Blue Weights, Green Apple, and Tape Measure

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