Here I go again on my own…

by | Sep 22, 2015 | writing | 0 comments

Well, not quite on my own…but you get it. I’m singing the song lyrics in my head. The point I’m trying to make is that I’m back in the game…exactly where I was when I started this blog. My next manuscript is under contract and I’m in that editing phase…or should I say waiting phase. There is so much waiting involved with this particular portion of the publishing process.

hourglass1The Waiting. First you have to give the editors time to read the book and give their input and comments. Then you have your round. And then they get it again to look over what you did. Back and forth it goes (hopefully not too much) until the editor and you are both happy. Then it goes to another editor…

Another Editor? If you remember from my journey with “The Lady Bornekova”, at this publishing house, the manuscript goes through three rounds of editing – content edits, line edits, and proofing edits. What’s the difference you ask…good question. Content editors are more concerned with the, well, content of the manuscript. Did you have any loose ends? Were there things that jarred the reader? They may make some editsminor grammatical corrections for flow, but their main job is believability, flow, and (again) content. The line editor is more concerned with grammar. And the proofing editor is sort of the last line of defense, if you will, for the publisher and for you before the book goes to galleys. This is where all of the editing and writing is looked at carefully to make sure nothing is out of place. Then the book goes to galleys and then to publication.

Sounds boring. Maybe it is a little bit. From the outside. For me, it’s rather interesting. And it can turn into a bit of work. I actually enjoy the input and constructive feedback from editors. I know that it only makes my work stronger. I feel the same way about the feedback I get from my Beta Readers. Does it offend me when they tell me a certain area needs work? No…I need that. I’d rather them tell me than the whole manuscript be turned down for publication because there were weak parts.

At the end of the day, all the input, poured through your (the author’s) filter, is valuable.


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